
Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy

This is the Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy. No claim is made or inferred for ownership of any images, though all text and descriptions are ©2016-2024 by The Naked Houseboy Project. You must be of legal age to read or view beyond this paragraph. All images are reblogs, reposts and recompilations, and depict persons age 18 or older as attested by the original owners. The single sentence version of all 365 rules optimized for mobile viewing is available at NakedHouseboy.bdsmlr.com

Rule #313 - - Request For Discipline Form

Discipline and Punishment — Request For Discipline Form

Visitors are permitted, but not required, to assist Master in supervising the House Boy’s duties and chores, and to report any misbehavior or violations of protocol. Most house guests choose to mind their own business, leaving Master and the House Boy to sort out these issues without interference. Occasionally, visitors will take it upon themselves to scrutinize everything the House Boy does, searching for a broken rule or technical violation that could be reported. Every social group has those who seek fault in others, and Master recognizes that the extra eyes and ears of these guests help to keep the House Boy in line and behaving properly. For the guest who may wish to assist with supervision but prefers to tattle on the House Boy discreetly, a Request for Discipline Form is now available.

A blank Request For Discipline Form will be provided to anyone who personally asks for one, regardless of circumstances at home or away. These forms will be stored on the property and in each vehicle, and completed forms may be returned either directly to Master in person, or left discreetly for action at a later time. Reporting parties are under no obligation to notify the House Boy of the nature of anything being reported, or even that a completed form has been submitted. Disciplinary action will not be announced or administered to any House Boy unless there is sufficient cause, since misunderstandings about rules and protocols can sometimes occur. If punishment is warranted, Master will take into consideration the requested discipline by the reporting party, subject to the level and type of punishment allowed by protocol.
Any House Boy who attempts to delay or prevent Master from reading or acting on a completed Request For Discipline Form is subject to a Level Three Spanking for insubordination. It is not a violation for a House Boy to beg or otherwise try to convince someone not to complete a report, since no determination has been made that the House Boy is actually in violation of any rule or protocol. Nor is it against the rules for a guest (or anyone else) to threaten to report a House Boy to Master, since no judgement of misbehavior has been made in this case either. Until a completed Request for Discipline Form or a verbal complaint is actually submitted to Master, these negotiations are not of Master’s interest or concern. In the event a completed Request For Discipline Form is submitted directly to the House Boy, he is permitted to read it, and is required to hand it over to Master at his next face to face contact.

On rare occasions, someone who is not familiar with the House Boy’s disciplinary rules will observe or overhear someone else asking for (or returning) a Request for Discipline Form. When this occurs, Master will attempt to change the subject by quickly explaining that completion of the form does not necessarily mean that a spanking or other punishment will happen, and Master will attempt to move the conversation in a different direction. If this fails, any follow up questions will be answered honestly, regardless of consequence or embarrassment to anyone present. 

Master has the right to immediately evaluate or to delay consideration of any Request For Discipline Form. The House Boy has No Right To Privacy (See below, Rule #12) during any discipline, regardless of who may be present and could observe.

(Rule #313)

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