
Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy

This is the Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy. No claim is made or inferred for ownership of any images, though all text and descriptions are ©2016-2024 by The Naked Houseboy Project. You must be of legal age to read or view beyond this paragraph. All images are reblogs, reposts and recompilations, and depict persons age 18 or older as attested by the original owners. The single sentence version of all 365 rules optimized for mobile viewing is available at NakedHouseboy.bdsmlr.com

Rule #277 - - Tire Check And Fill

Duties and Chores - Tire Check and Fill

The House Boy is required to carry out a variety of duties and chores. These include daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal chores, as well as other duties that are required on-demand or when external conditions mandate. The Tire Check and Fill is both an on-demand chore and a weekly scheduled duty which the House Boy must carry out in daylight hours, regardless of who may be present and could observe.

The House Boy is responsible for checking the physical tire condition and internal air pressure on each vehicle at home, and fill to recommended pressure when needed. A portable air compressor with gauge is available for use, and must be returned and properly stored after all auto-related duties are completed. Since household vehicles are parked off-street in privacy, the House Boy is required to remain naked during this activity, regardless of who may be visiting and could observe. Appropriate footwear and cap or hat is optional, unless instructed otherwise.

When visitors are present, Master may offer or instruct the House Boy to offer Tire Check and Fill to a guest or guests. When checking a visitor’s tires which are parked on the public street, the House Boy is permitted to wear Minimal Clothing for the time that he may be in or near public view. Tire Check and Fill may be combined with other vehicle maintenance, including fluid and windshield cleaning, for expedience or ease of scheduling.

A hand pump for air inflation is available as a backup for the House Boy to use when the air compressor is broken or unavailable. A gauge to measure tire depth is attached to the compressor for use when tire depth is questionable. Mandatory use of the hand pump may be assigned as a Level Zero Discipline at Master’s discretion. The House Boy is also required to perform Tire Check and Fill away any from home any time that a potential issue with a tire or tires is reported or observed on any vehicle in which the House Boy is a driver or passenger. He is not required to remove clothing in these circumstances, but he is also prohibited from adding or installing any clothing or covering unless necessary to protect himself from inclement weather or similar hazards.

Weekly Tire Check and Fill does not apply to unlicensed or inoperable vehicles, recreational vehicles like motor homes and boats during the off season, or motorcycles that a House Boy is not licensed to operate. Master will issue special instructions when these vehicles need tire checks or other light maintenance. Pool floats which are designed to look like tires or tubes or are made from actual inner tubes are exempt from all parts of this rule, except on-demand inflation and discipline for failure to return and store the inflation equipment. Tire and Wheel Wash is covered under a separate rule (See below, Rule #278).

(Rule #277)

Some Related Rules...

Rule #21 — Naked Pizza Delivery

Rule #103 — Laundry Day

Rule #278 — Tire And Wheel Wash

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