
Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy

This is the Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy. No claim is made or inferred for ownership of any images, though all text and descriptions are ©2016-2024 by The Naked Houseboy Project. You must be of legal age to read or view beyond this paragraph. All images are reblogs, reposts and recompilations, and depict persons age 18 or older as attested by the original owners. The single sentence version of all 365 rules optimized for mobile viewing is available at NakedHouseboy.bdsmlr.com

Rule #92-A — Hair Length and Style

The Houseboy gives up his right to physical privacy at collaring, and the visibility of his body remains under Master’s control at all times. Every decision about what the Houseboy does or does not wear, how his hair is kept or removed, what direction his penis is allowed or required to point, and when he is allowed or not allowed to speak is controlled at all times by Master and these reasonable rules. Master also allows the Houseboy to keep control for himself over one area of his existence, his scalp hair, as a reminder of everything else that he has given up by agreeing to serve.

Every Houseboy maintains the right to determine the length and style of his scalp hair. This includes keeping the Hair Length And Style he has at collaring, and choosing to change hair styles at reasonable intervals. This privilege extends only to the scalp hair, and Master retains the right to remove or otherwise alter the Houseboy’s facial hair, pubic hair, and body hair at any time. Those who choose long or unusual scalp hair styles may be tasked to make temporary changes (like using netting) during food preparation or during travel or other activities where the style or length of scalp hair could be a potential health or safety issue. 

This rule is one of several ways this Master does things differently. Allowing the House Boy to make decisions about a single area of his body actually makes him feel as if he has less control over all the other parts of his body and of his life in general. Master’s friends and visitors find it ironic that the Houseboy is allowed to keep his scalp hair whatever length and style that he wishes, but has little right to determine whether he keeps or loses his pubic hair or to even cover up his flopping penis during exercise time. Any questions about the hair policy are usually directed to the Houseboy to answer for himself.

Arrangements will be made through hair stylists or barbers that Master is friends with for the cutting and styling that is desired by the Houseboy. If the hair professional is unable to come to Master’s home, appointments will be made for after hours off-property so that the Houseboy can remain naked whenever possible. Standard Or Minimal Clothing (Rule #111) will be provided at locations where nudity is not possible.

Hair appointments may be combined to allow other maintenance issues to be tended to at the same time or consecutively. This includes nail care, body-grooming and shaving or similar tasks. The House Boy has No Right To Physical Privacy (Rule #12) during these or any other activity. All appointments are considered to be scheduled duties and chores which the Houseboy must attend and complete, regardless of who may be present and could choose to observe. 

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