
Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy

This is the Rules And Protocols Handbook for the Naked Houseboy. No claim is made or inferred for ownership of any images, though all text and descriptions are ©2016-2024 by The Naked Houseboy Project. You must be of legal age to read or view beyond this paragraph. All images are reblogs, reposts and recompilations, and depict persons age 18 or older as attested by the original owners. The single sentence version of all 365 rules optimized for mobile viewing is available at NakedHouseboy.bdsmlr.com

Rule #51 — Dumbbells For Dumbbells

Each full time Houseboy undergoes a personal fitness evaluation and is assigned exercise and fitness activities that are consistent with his needs, physical abilities, age, and goals mutually shared with Master. Any Houseboy may be instructed to do exercise and fitness activities at Master’s discretion, and most are assigned at least one form of weightlifting as part of the daily routine. 

At least one set of dumbbells is kept at home or in the trunk of a vehicle at all times, and Master will sometimes surprise a Houseboy by assigning this fitness activity while visiting friends away from home. Since protocol requires the Houseboy to exercise naked wherever it’s allowed, a handful of these friends cleverly make it a point to state that they don’t allow nudity “except when swimming or exercising”. Thus the phrase Dumbbells For Dumbbells was created by them as a sarcastic reference to one who cluelessly strips completely naked just for exercise, regardless of who may be present and could observe. Although Master avoids this derogatory phrase, he has no right to prevent its use by others even if these words embarrass or upset the sensitive Houseboy who doesn’t like being called names as he is simultaneously forced to take off his clothes item by item until he is completely naked and exposed.

At home, dumbbell exercises may be assigned indoors or outside on the patio or grassy area when weather permits. The Houseboy is also permitted to use these weights during his free or recreational time if he wishes to do so. The Use Of A Spotter (See below, Rule #32) is not required when using fixed weight dumbbells, but is mandatory when using removable and replaceable weights or barbells of any type.

In the example photo, a Houseboy exercises by lifting dumbbells outside on a sunny summer afternoon. He lays a towel across the bench before starting so that perspiration won’t cause slipperiness which could lead to injury or would be uncomfortable to a guest who wants to lift after the Houseboy finishes. Being thoughtful and using a towel is not only the right thing to do, it also may earn a Houseboy Boy Special Privileges as will other positive choices in circumstances that are not specifically covered by protocol. Master’s guests also pay attention to detail, noting that this Houseboy’s ‘uniform’ is presentable and freshly groomed. Full time Houseboy’s like this one may be required to maintain themselves shaved or smoothed from armpits to ankles, or allow volunteer or professional Body Sculptors (See below, Rule #150) to remove some of all of his body hair instead.

Nothing in this rule requires a Houseboy to use a weight bench or to lay down while using dumbbells, and it is common to stand and lift instead. This exercise is often assigned consecutively or concurrent with other weightlifting or fitness activities, like Pelvic Thrusts (See below, Rule #124) or Push Ups (See below, Rule #139). Master welcomes and will consider recommendations from guests for additions to or modifications of any Houseboy’s exercise and fitness regime

Some Related Rules…

Rule #32 — Use Of A Spotter While Bench Pressing

Rule #124 — Pelvic Thrusts

Rule #150 — Body Sculptors

Rule #139 — Push Ups

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